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Self-Leveling Mortar For Commercial Use

Specialty Floor Construction Materials

Self-Leveling Mortar For Commercial Use

Cementitious Self-Leveling Mortar is a high-tech building material, primarily composed of cement-based gel materials, fine aggregates, fillers, and various additives in the form of dry-mix powder. The hallmark feature of this mortar lies in its high fluidity; when mixed with water in the correct ratio, it can flow freely and self-level, requiring minimal manual intervention, or can be slightly spread with a trowel, to form a flat surface upon drying and curing.

    Product Application

    Cementitious Self-Leveling Mortar is used in various applications:

    Floor Leveling: Prior to installing wood flooring, tiles, epoxy resin floors, etc., self-leveling mortar is applied to improve the floor's flatness.

    Rapid Construction: Due to its fast-hardening properties, the surface can typically be walked on after 24 hours, significantly reducing construction time.

    Versatile Use: Suitable for various building floors, including hospitals, factories, warehouses, exhibition halls, sports arenas, kindergartens, commercial areas, residential spaces, etc.

    Product advantages

    The advantages of Cementitious Self-Leveling Mortar include:

    Excellent Fluidity: It has superior fluidity that allows quick self-leveling of the floor, filling uneven areas, ensuring extremely high floor flatness.

    Easy Construction: Simply mix with water according to the ratio, and it will automatically flow and level on the floor, simplifying the process, reducing labor intensity, and enhancing construction efficiency.

    Controllable Thickness: The thickness of application can be controlled based on the floor's flatness, generally between 3 to 10 millimeters, conserving material and avoiding excessive thickness that could lead to space loss.

    Low Shrinkage Rate: It has a low shrinkage rate, minimizing cracking risks, ensuring long-term stability and aesthetics of the floor.

    Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional leveling methods, Cementitious Self-Leveling Mortar can be more economical, especially considering its rapid construction and reduced maintenance needs.

    Environmentally Friendly: Non-toxic, odorless, and non-flammable, it meets modern building environmental standards by reducing reliance on conventional methods that often involve greater resource consumption and waste generation.

    Seamless Splicing: It enables large-area seamless splicing, providing a continuous, joint-free floor surface, crucial for cleanliness and hygiene, particularly in food processing, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

    Decorative Strengths: Beyond practical functions, it can be colored or polished to create an attractive decorative effect on the floor surface.

    There are different types of Cementitious Self-Leveling Mortar, including surface layer self-leveling mortar and underlayment self-leveling mortar. The former is used for directly exposed floor surfaces, while the latter is for base leveling. Choosing the appropriate type depends on specific application requirements and anticipated floor conditions.

    Product specifications


    1.6 kg/m²/mm; recommended repair thickness is 3-5 mm, with a maximum thickness of 1 cm; for a thickness of 3 mm, the required amount is 4.8 kg; for a thickness of 5 mm, the required amount is 8 kg;

    Water-to-powder ratio


    Compliance standard

    JC/T 985-2017 "Self-leveling Cement-based Mortar for Floor"


    Homogeneous, lump-free


    Initial flowability 140 mm; Flowability after 20 minutes 134 mm

    Tensile bond strength/MPa

    1.3 MPa

    Dimensional change rate/%


    Impact resistance

    No cracking, no delamination from the substrate

    Compressive strength after 24h/MPa

    6.5 MPa

    Flexural strength after 24h/MPa

    2.3 MPa

    Abrasion resistance/mm³


    Compressive strength after 28d (C25)/MPa

    26.4 MPa

    Flexural strength after 28d (F6)/MPa

    6.2 MPa

    untreated groundc6y

    untreated ground

    Cleaning up loose gravel p8z

    Cleaning up loose gravel 

    Applying degassing with azaa

    Defoaming and Compacting

    Under constructionpbj

    Under construction

    Construction completedtkg

    Construction completed

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